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Competition spurs graduates' enthusiasm for innovation, entrepreneurship

english.guiyang.gov.cn |Updated: 2024-06-03 15:09:43

The innovation and entrepreneurship competition finals of the Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone were held at the Boya Maker Space on May 31.

Eleven teams selected through the semi-finals competed, ultimately nabbing six gold, silver, and bronze awards, as well as five outstanding awards.


Winning teams pose for a group photo. [Photo/WeChat account of Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone]

The competition aimed to rouse college and university students' innovative spirit and entrepreneurial enthusiasm through project roadshows and entrepreneurial practices and cultivate a number of innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

In total, the competition attracted 49 student projects from 10 universities and colleges. The participating projects covered various fields such as artificial intelligence, new energy, smart manufacturing, green living, and biotechnology.

Winning projects, in addition to receiving certificates and cash prizes, will receive an extra 50 percent of the prize money as a reward if they have their projects established in the Shuanglong zone and registered as companies within the current year.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Shuanglong zone's policies, one-time entrepreneurial subsidies ranging from 5,000 yuan ($690.09) to 15,000 yuan will be provided. For projects participating in national, provincial, and municipal-level innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, the highest award will be 100,000 yuan based on the award level.


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