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Shuanglong zone's talent day event yields fruitful results

english.guiyang.gov.cn |Updated: 2024-06-17 17:50:10

During the 2024 talent day event, the Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone carried out a series of activities aimed at fostering a positive atmosphere of respecting, valuing, and cherishing talent within the zone.

A total of 100 enterprises were arranged to conduct on-campus talent recruitment activities at seven universities and colleges, offering a total of 1,536 jobs.


Graduates visit a company in the Shuanglong zone. [Photo/sl.gov.cn]

The initiative received 1,420 resumes and secured job intentions from 195 individuals. Additionally, Guizhou Vocational College of Foodstuff Engineering and others were invited to the Shuanglong zone for enterprise visits and job exploration, facilitating discussions on talent supply and development.

In addition, enterprises were encouraged to post 2,151 job openings on the Guiyang talent network. Through the Shuanglong zone's public WeChat account, assistance was provided to 25 enterprises in posting recruitment needs targeting talent from outside Guizhou province.

Over 20 companies were arranged to conduct talent recruitment activities in cities like Chongqing, receiving 125 job applications. A talent night market was also held, with 20 companies offering over 400 high-quality jobs and more than 20 startup teams showcasing and selling products, resulting in 343 job applications.


A talent night market event takes place in the Shuanglong zone. [Photo/sl.gov.cn] 

Furthermore, the Shuanglong zone hosted the 2024 innovation and entrepreneurship competition, attracting 49 teams from 10 universities and colleges, providing a platform for innovative entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and engage in interactive exchanges, and fostering a vibrant atmosphere for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Moving forward, the Shuanglong zone will vigorously work to attract talent, providing robust talent support and intellectual backing to facilitate high-quality development within the zone.

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